Hardwood Pellet Blends
Green Mountain Grills Brand Pellets are made from 100% kiln dried sawdust that never touches the floor. The pellets are held together with the natural lining in the wood and there are no fillers or additives. Green Mountain Premium Pellet Blends are designed to perfectly complement Green Mountain Grills.

Premium Gold 28 lb bag
Premium Fruitwood 28 lb bag
Premium Texas Blend 28 lb bag
Premium Gourmet Blend 8 lb bag

Premium Gold Blend
This mellow blend of red oak, hickory, and maple subtly flavors your food without overpowering it. These are some of the hardest of the hardwoods and produce a long burn with modest smoke.
Premium Gold Blend Green Mountain Grills Pellets are a perfect blend of hardwoods that boost the flavor of anything you are cooking. Premium Gold Blend pellets are oak based and a larger diameter pellet that allows them to last longer than standard size pellets.

Premium Fruitwood Blend
This bold blend of cherry, beech, and pecan (yes, pecan is a fruit!) smells sweet when you cook with it and adds character to whatever you grill.
Premium Fruitwood Blend Green Mountain Grills Pellets are a Perfect blend of fruitwoods to bring out the flavor in your food. This blend is favored by competition barbecue teams and grillers nationwide for their flavorful light smoke.

Premium Texas Blend
This aromatic blend of black oak, hickory, elm, and a hint of mesquite to offer a consistent flavorful smoke throughout the cook.
Premium Texas Blend is packed full of big Texas flavor in every pellet and is a perfect choice of hardwoods to bring out the flavor in your food without Overpowering it. If you like a hint of mesquite, the Texas blend is right for you.

Premium Gourmet Blend
This 8-lb. stand-up resealable bag of Gourmet Blend pellets is a perfect blend of black oak, hickory, and mesquite for full bodied smoking.
This bag is space-saving for camping, RV’ing, picknicking, and tailgating specifically designed for the Davy Crockett portable grill to ensure the best grilling experience possible
Green Mountain Dry Rubs
Green Mountain’s trade secret formulations are developed by Green Mountain Grills’ competition grilling team for maximum flavor at an amazing price. These rubs will make you the neighborhood pitmaster in no time. Great on grilled meats and vegetables, their award-winning rubs are Chef tested, and customer approved.

Smoked Paprika, mustard, cayenne, and other spices will enhance the flavor of beef leaving a delightful aftertaste
Beef Dry Rub by Green Mountain Grills is our #1 seller! The GMG Beef Rub has notes of smoked paprika, mustard, cayenne, and other spices. Take your meat to the next level with this signature spice.

A dash of savory spices adds just the right flavor to make your fowl taste simply delectable.
Use our GMG Poultry Dry Rub on your chicken, turkey, pheasant, and more. Add big flavor with our Poultry mix of brown/white sugar, sea salt, celery seed, lemon peel, pepper, garlic powder, and turmeric, to bring your chicken game to the next level.

If it is meant to sizzle when you cook it, add this! You will love it!
Our Sizzle Blend Spice Rub is a mixture of sea salt, garlic, black pepper, and other spices meant to really bring out the flavor in grilled meats that sizzle nicely on the grill.

A winning combination of 11 robust spices give this rub the potential to turn your ribs, butt, or loin into a blue ribbon dish.
Our Pork Rub adds big flavor like sea salt, brown/white sugar, pepper, garlic, chili powder, cumin, coriander, caraway seeds, allspice, cardamom, and cayenne pepper to any flat of pork.

Exotic ingredients like sereh powder, green peppercorns, and cilantro wil season fish and seafood perfectly.
Fish Dry Rub by Green Mountain Grills is Fantastic on everything that comes out of the water! This rub has been specially formulated to accent the fish without overpowering the natural flavor you love from seafood.

Wild Game Spice Rub
This pleasantly spicy rub will enrich your venison, bear, or bison. This unique blend of flavors is great on lamb, pork, and beef, too!
Wild Game Rub by Green Mountain Grills will help you take your Game to the next level.